Customizing email and inbox templatesUpdated 2 years ago
This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for creating and using both Plain Text and HTML email templates in Keysender.
Step 1: Navigate to Templates
Go to the "Account" section, then select "Templates". You can also directly visit Templates.
Step 2: Understand the Default Template
A starred template named "Default" will be present. This template is automatically created and applied to products that have monitoring active.
Step 3: Create a New Template
Click on "Add New+" to initiate creating a new template.
Step 4: Choose Email Type
Here, you can opt for either "HTML Email" or "Plain Text Email" depending on your requirements.
Important Note: If you're sending data to a marketplace inbox like eBay or MercadoLibre, use "Plain Text Email". These platforms require plain text emails to ensure compatibility and readability, as their systems may not correctly render HTML emails.
Step 5: Set Reply and Copy Options
Specify the 'Reply to' and 'Send Copy to' options here. 'Reply to' is generally auto-filled with the email you use to log in to Keysender. The 'Send Copy to' function can be filled with any email address you want to receive a copy of each sent email.
Step 6: Design the Email
For Both Plain Text and HTML Emails:
You can use the provided variables in your text. These variables will be replaced with actual data when the email is sent. The variables should be inserted as follows:
- [ID] Auction/Product number
- [PRODUCT_NAME] Name of the product
- [PM] Product message
- [NAME] Customer name
- [EMAIL] Customer email
- [PHONE_NUMBER] Customer phone
- [STATUS] Link to order access page
- [USER] Customer username
- [ORDER_NUMBER] Order number
- [ORDER_TIME] Order date and time
- [PRICE] Price and currency
- [CODE] Display text codes or link to files
- [CODES] Link to all purchased codes in .zip file
Additional Options for HTML Emails:
You can also utilize the following design elements:
- Header: This includes a logo, which can be replaced by clicking on it in the template editor.
- Title: This is the main headline or subject of your email.
- Body: This is the main content of your email.
- Order Codes: Directly displays the distributed code in the email.
- Checkout Status: Provides a link to a custom page, offering a secure experience for both the vendor and the guest.
- Order Details: Use this to provide detailed information about the order.
- Footer: This is usually used for disclaimers, contact information, or links to your website or social media profiles.
Step 7: Save and Apply the Template
After designing your email and setting all the necessary options, save the template. Once saved, an option will appear to apply this template to all products with this template active. Click on this option if you want your changes to be propagated across all products using this template.
Your newly created email template is now ready for use. Please remember, any new templates you make will not override the Default template's association with monitored products unless you explicitly change this in your settings. If you want your new template to be applied to these products, adjust your settings accordingly.