Viewing specific order detailsUpdated 2 years ago
Step 1: Access the Order Details Page
After you've logged into Keysender, navigate to the Orders section. Click on an order that you want to review in detail to access the order details page.
Step 2: Review Order Information
On the order details page, you'll find the order number, creation time, buyer ID, email and mobile number, the number of codes purchased, gross price, and specific codes assigned to this order.
Step 3: Review Messages and Sales
This section displays messages to/from the buyer and the buyer's purchase history.
Step 4: Understand Keysender Actions in Tasks & IP logs
Here, you'll see Keysender's actions for order distribution, including email delivery, buyer access to the code, and IP logs for access.
Step 5: Use the Fraud Screening Tool
If active, you'll see a fraud score for the buyer. You can choose to accept the buyer and distribute the product if necessary.
Step 6: Manage Transactions using the code status dropdown
Manage the transaction by marking it as 'done,' issuing a refund, or reporting fraud.
Step 7: Manage Guest Interaction using the options dropdown
Keysender allows you to block/whitelist guests, send/resend codes, and lock/grant access to codes or create a PDF of the order for dispute resolution or tax purposes.
Step 8: Assess and Act on Fraudulent Orders
Keysender's fraud screening provides a fraud score. Accept, hold, or mark the transaction based on your assessment. You can see the fraud score below the options dropdown.